Step-by-Step Guide: How to Connect PowerBI to Snowflake for Superior Data Visualization

connect powerbi to snowflake

"Streamlining Data Processes: A Comprehensive Guide to Linking PowerBI and Snowflake"

In today’s data-driven world, businesses are continuously seeking ways to harness their data for more effective decision-making. Two pivotal tools in the landscape of data management and visualization are PowerBI and Snowflake. PowerBI, a robust business analytics service provided by Microsoft, excels at interactive data visualization and business intelligence capabilities. On the other hand, Snowflake is a highly efficient cloud-based data warehousing platform known for its flexibility and scalability. This article will guide you through the process of connecting PowerBI to Snowflake, enabling you to extract meaningful insights from your data with ease.

The Power of Combining PowerBI and Snowflake

Before we dive into the technical aspect, it’s important to understand why connecting PowerBI to Snowflake is beneficial. With Snowflake’s powerful data storage and processing capabilities and PowerBI’s top-notch data visualization, you can seamlessly turn vast amounts of raw data into valuable business insights. This combination allows organizations to make data-driven decisions quickly and confidently.


Before starting the connection process, ensure that you have access to a Snowflake account, a PowerBI Desktop application, and the necessary permissions to make the connection. Furthermore, you should have your Snowflake credentials, including the account name, username, and password, handy.

Connecting PowerBI to Snowflake: A Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Open PowerBI Desktop: Launch the application and click on ‘Get Data’ on the Home tab.

  2. Select Database: In the popup window, select ‘Database’ from the categories and then find and select ‘Snowflake’ from the options. Click ‘Connect’.

  3. Enter Server Details: A new window will appear asking for your Snowflake server details. Enter the details accurately (these would typically be in the form of <account_name> and click ‘Next’.

  4. Provide Credentials: Next, input your Snowflake username and password. After entering the details, click ‘Connect’. PowerBI will then establish a connection to your Snowflake account.

  5. Select Database and Schema: Once the connection is established, you will see a Navigator window. Here, you can select the database and schema you want to work with.

  6. Load Data: After selecting the relevant tables, click ‘Load’. PowerBI will then import the data from Snowflake, making it ready for you to create reports or dashboards.


Connecting PowerBI to Snowflake empowers businesses to capitalize on the strength of these two powerful platforms: the flexible, scalable data warehousing of Snowflake and the compelling data visualization of PowerBI. This integration allows for better decision-making processes, strategic planning, and an enhanced understanding of business performance.

Take The Next Step With Your Data

“Mastering the connection between PowerBI and Snowflake can revolutionize the way your organization handles data, turning complexity into clarity. By making your data more accessible and understandable, you enable your teams to make informed decisions faster and with more confidence. But setting up and managing this connection can be daunting without expert help.

That’s where we come in.

Cloudfruit is an Enterprise Analytics Service Consulting company, with a dedicated team of experts ready to guide you through the complexities of data analysis.

We help businesses turn their raw data into meaningful insights, empowering them to make informed decisions and strategies.

Our team of data experts can guide you through every step of the process, from setting up your Snowflake and PowerBI connection to ensuring you’re using these tools to their full potential. We provide comprehensive training and support to ensure your team is well-equipped to handle your data needs.

Don’t let your data’s potential go untapped. Contact us today, and let’s transform your data into actionable insights together.


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